Friday, February 25, 2011

This is just a oringinal of me when im wearing jacket and use a make up ... For those who think this is fake of me just forget it about this pic .. Hate me ? Just leave me and good for youh to exit from my blog .. Love me , like me is good for u to be mine and be my friends and good for to read my blogger two timews a week .. :D ... Now im gonna tell my story ... Errrmmm . This story is quite sad for me .. Err .....
Hmm ... Why i miss hym in suddelny uh ? I going talk in malay .. Sorry !
Ascal tiber tiber akuh menryndui nya .. Sedang kn kita tidak berkasih laqii ... Adakah akuh masih menyanqinyaa ,,, Errrmmm .. Tetapi akuh tidak boley melupakan bayang-bayangan kita dahulu ... Setiap kali akuh memejam kan matakuu , wajah muu selalu ke terbayang ....
Serpeti laquu kuu yq ku laqukan .... Akuh akan meletak kn laquu kuu yq ku ciptap suatu harii ...