Friday, February 25, 2011

This is just a oringinal of me when im wearing jacket and use a make up ... For those who think this is fake of me just forget it about this pic .. Hate me ? Just leave me and good for youh to exit from my blog .. Love me , like me is good for u to be mine and be my friends and good for to read my blogger two timews a week .. :D ... Now im gonna tell my story ... Errrmmm . This story is quite sad for me .. Err .....
Hmm ... Why i miss hym in suddelny uh ? I going talk in malay .. Sorry !
Ascal tiber tiber akuh menryndui nya .. Sedang kn kita tidak berkasih laqii ... Adakah akuh masih menyanqinyaa ,,, Errrmmm .. Tetapi akuh tidak boley melupakan bayang-bayangan kita dahulu ... Setiap kali akuh memejam kan matakuu , wajah muu selalu ke terbayang ....
Serpeti laquu kuu yq ku laqukan .... Akuh akan meletak kn laquu kuu yq ku ciptap suatu harii ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hey readers ! This is the tyme for me to bring out my stress here ..... I have alot of problem in school ! Im so sorry in there are any broken english , becoz im not quite good in english ... hehe ...
Everyday at school all my friends and claasmates make fun of me .... They make fun of my name and my skin .... My real name is Shafurah , they call me isappbuahh ... Haiss ... Tell youh the truth , my face got alots of birthday , not oneiy face , my whole body too ! They make fun of my skin , such as Dot-Dot laa , Dot Disease laa , Dog Disease laa and morreee ... They have really hurt my feeling ... But wat to do .... I will give another change .... Now they do not disturb me anymore ...
Becoz my parents had wrote a later to my form teacher , and my form teacher and spoken to them ... Well now they know what i really feel now .... Now they are my FRIENDS ! Just wanna to thank the god , teachers , parents an friends for understanding my feeling !

Korean girl ker ? No Laa .. Im the original i am !

Hahaha ! GoldFish !

Rock the day yawwr


Gulp ! Gulp ! Gulp !

Roll Eye


People say that face look like a korean girl ... haha

I really like my eye ... Cool rite ! Hahah .. I knoe ... Hhehe

Friday, December 31, 2010

Mine Photo !

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Yawwr ! People who I love !

HappyPeopleYawwr !

Akuh sayanq mereka setulus hatikuuh !

Mereka Kepunyaan Kuuh

Helloeh Readers ! The photo above is my siblinqs ... I love then damn much then i i love myself .. :D ... This photo was took on 26/12/2010 ... Sorrie for not upload the pic on the day when it suppose ti be in ... I really quite bz few days ... Haissh ! I quite bz with pillow . Its mean sleepinq one whole day ... Cn youh believe it ? Haahahah !

This picture was took on 2009 ! :D

Elooo Readers ! Its tat cool when we was bored we took some picture ?....
Hahahahs ! Wanna knoe wat ... I was lauhinq by my self when my parents show our old picture .. Picture tat we are still small .... Gbr kental sak ... Hahahha ! I was laughinq like a monkey ... Huhu ! Anywae , bck to the story about bored .... When i feel bored , i always took picture and a vid of me to feel an a some advature .. So guys , do wa i have does ... If youh feel bored , just took some of ur picture or vid ... It is really fun for me ! How about youh readers ?! Huhuhuhu ! Yawwwr !

The picture below is the day when my aqe was about 11 ...
My face looks sucks .... Hahahah ! Anywae im feelinq bored rite now .... I wanna upload more picture this week ... Since i have so lonqq didnt upload any photo , i wanna upload more pictures for all my readers to enjoy it .. Im really quite bored ...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Helloeh Readers ! Wanna post somethinq today ....
Today my family , cousin and i went to Bukit Batok CC for a swim ....
Kiter swimminq sekejap jurhh seiy .... Tapi we have fun ... Penat juqak Laa.....
Selepas kite perqi swimminq , kiter perqi boonlay ... Kiter karaukae .... Best Sia !
Then family akuh make a surprise for me n my little bro ... Din .... Dowanq belikan adeq akuh cake nqan nqan cake ... Birthday adeq akuh on 0301.... Akuh 0902.... Laqii lamer ... Tapii dowanq celebrate it today ... Nhiee semue kakak akuh nyer Plan ! Thkx kakak ! Sayanq luu banqqet laa ! Haissh ! Abeh karaukae main pool ! Gerek ! Akuh menanq bapak akuh ! Muahhahak ! Lepas tuuh , isap rokok , Mak nqah , Kakak akuh nqan akuh isap rokok kat luar Cafe ! Haiish ! Lepas tuuh kiter balek ! Sebelom balek tuuh , Kiter Beli Nasi Lemak kat boonlay .... Gerek sia ! Sedap dok Nasi Lemak Dhier... Kaey laa .. AKuh tk tawuuk aperhk nk post laqii .... Maybe i will uppload the pic and video one day .... Daa lamer tk upload gbr ... Ouhkeeh laa... Byebye ! Gue nk tidorr dulu ....
Byee Readers ! Thlx for readinq my post ! :D

Monday, December 20, 2010

I really miss them damn much ! <3

Helloeh Readers ! Shaasyaa here to post somethinq ...... Erm..... Now im watchinq television
with my siblinqs.... Parents not at home aqain ..... Hari hari busy ...... Parents does take sometimes for us aqain .... Haissh !....... Anywae .... Bck to the photo tat i have upload above....
Maybe today , wanna meet them tomorrow ... I really miss the so much ! I hope they miss
me too .... Haissh ! One more thinq , im now damn bored sitinq at home... Nk kluar tadherk
Duit sak ..... Borinq perhk sial ..... Phantaat uhk ! Duit aku parents ambek ! Konek Cibai uhk !
Phantaat ! Phantaat ! Phantaat ! Phantaat ! Phantaat ! Arrrq ! Arrrq ! Arrrq ! Arrrq !

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Akuh ryndu nenek ku !

Helloeh ! Im really damn miss my Grandma !
She went to Johor sleep with my Nephew !
I really miss her so much ....
Daa 3 hari daa dhier tader kar rumah .....
Biler dhier ader kat rumah binqit laa pulak ....
Biler dhier tak ader akuh ryndu dhier .....
Hais ! Anywae , one person brinq me out plz... Im damn bores sitinq at home sia !
Akuh mciiam nk peqi karaukae n outinq nqan budak-budak laqii laa !
Tapi biler mau peqi tunqqu .....
Akuh nk kluar tapii tader duit kat tanqan !

YawwR..... Nk tawuuk bender tk ?!
Hari nhiee first tyme sia bapak akuh kasik ton.....
Akuh mciiam pelik uhk.....
Tak pernah pernah bapak akuh kasik kebebasan......
Taklaa.... Bapak akuh mmq kasik akuh nqan siblinqs akuh kebenasan , cumer nenek akuh juh uhk bisinq ..... Bila dhier kat rumah irratatinq uhk.... Buat tuuh tk kener buat nhiee tk kener ...
Haiiish ! Biler dhier tader kat rumah mciiam ryndu laa pulak !
Haiyo ! Aper nk jadyi nhiee ..... Just forget it laaa...
Akuh nk tydwoh dulu... Akuh nqantok..... Skrnq daa pkol 2.19 am daa....
Ouhkeay.... nk tydwoh dulu ... Wuanq Sway ! Muahahk !
Byye Phantaat !