Friday, December 10, 2010

It was really late ! I cant sleep rite now !
Helloeh Readers ! It was early in the morninq now ! The tyme now is 4.13am !
Omg ! I really cant sleep rite now ! What happen to me ?!
Anywae today at about 12.30pm im qoinq out to play soccer match with my frends !
Cant wait to fight with them ! I wanna find a trouble there ! Oucch ! My hand was really hurt....
My mom askinq me to fried a chicken... Saket sak ! Minyak terkener tnqan akuh ! It's really pain ! My mom ask me to put a oild to me it better .... I feel better then ! Haissh ! Tapii saket sak !. Wateva laa... Bck to the story ! My group will fight with Iekbar group !
I really hate theirs group laqi laqi Fathi !
Fathi is suck a fat guy ! Omg ! I think he scared of me .. Hahaha... Harap juh badan besar !
Fathi like to make a story ! I hate tat ! He tryinq to make our names in a luck !
Konek bodoh tuuh anak !
I just hate his fuckinq life with us !