Saturday, December 11, 2010

Helloeh Readers ! Cn i post somethinq here ?! Can Laa ..... Erm... I was havinq so much just now ! My group Redlinee & Lunatics have soccer match ! While we were playinq , my brother Hidayat was very anqry with the group tat we are fightinq with ! After yat was fightinq , our coach Danniel Cullens was fightinq with Suhaimi just because of a faul ! Haissh ! Aftre tat , im fightinq with Yan ! Hahaha ! So many bad luck today ! The most i hate is Yan , Aidil & Fikri !
While i was playinq , i accidentaly hit Yan .... Then Yan push me n punch mine Chest ! Bodoh sak nhiee anak ! Then we have an a half tyme... Before Half tyme , we have a score 2-3... We score 2 n Lunatics score 3 ... Haissh ! We have a break at bout 10 min ..... Then we started the match !'
On the second match our coach Danniel will be playinq ... Haishh ! He was damn good ! He doin a trick until so many of Lunatics people cant takle it ! At bout 5 min we started , Aidil kick my leq !
Oucch ! Tat was really hurt for me .. Then i was really anqry , i make hym fall went he touch the ball ! He fall down n was hurt .. Then i was laughinq ! hAahhahahah ! Yan & Aidil i have take revegce... But Fikri Kick my leq i cant take reverge bck becoz my leq has really hurt ! Then i sup with someone ! Haissh ! My Leq was really hurt .. But we were so happy becoz we have WON !
We have scoree 7-6.. Yeah !